Hit Fix: 40 most anticipated movies of 2015

40. "The Man from U.N.C.L.E."

Release date: August 14
Cause for excitement: Hollywood's been trying to crack a new 'Man From U.N.C.L.E' for at least 15 years now, and it looks like Guy Ritchie finally figured it out. Or at least, we hope he did, because both Armie Hammer and Henry Cavill seem ready to show off what they can do. If they've got chemistry, it could be a huge franchise for Ritchie and Warner Bros, and a genuine counter-point to the spy games of 'Bourne' and 'Bond' alike.
Possible warning signs: Hammer hasn't really had his moment yet, and while we feel like he tried hard to make 'The Lone Ranger' work, he really didn't work in the role. He and Cavill are obviously beefcake, but we're hoping they've also got the chops to make us interested in these characters from a barely-remembered-by-the-mainstream TV show.
- Drew McWeeny


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