Stephanie Powers, the Girl From UNCLE herself

The actress Stephanie Powers, despite her obvious talent and beauty, failed to project herself as a major Hollywood star. She had much more success on TV with the series Hart to Hart (1979-1984) alongside Robert Wagner.

But Stephanie had a pioneering experience on TV when starred in The Girl From UNCLE series in 1966-1967, a spin-off of the hit The Man From UNCLE (1964-1968). It was the first time a female character (April Dancer) became the protagonist of an adventure series in the history of American TV. 

Stephanie Powers as April Dancer, the Girl From UNCLE.

The Girl From UNCLE was always kind of despised for choosing the path of self-parody (in the style of Batman series with Adam West). Despite all the problems, or even because of them, Stephanie Powers could have dealt The Girl From UNCLE (which gave her worldwide recognition) with more love and care.

In her autobiography Hart to Hart (Gallery Books), Powers devotes only two pages to her whole experience as April Dancer. She provides very few informations about the period. It is a pity, because the rest of the book is well written and interesting. In addition to a great comic actress, Stephanie was a good dancer and fluent in six languages. All these features were well used in The Girl From UNCLE. Steph could be a lot more generous to her readers with her memories.


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