Henry Cavill: best movies, best roles

Henry Cavill: 10 Best Movies, Ranked According To Rotten Tomatoes

5 - The Man From U.N.C.L.E. - 67%

The Man from U.N.C.L.E. may be one of the most underrated movies of the decade. While the film is by no means 'Oscar-worthy', it is a vastly entertaining movie that benefits greatly from the stellar chemistry of both Henry Cavill and Armie Hammer. The film follows Cavill (and American spy) and Hammer (a Soviet spy), as they must work together in order to unravel an evil plot that threatens to end the world.

Henry Cavill: 10 Best Roles, Ranked (According To IMDb)

4 - The Man From U.N.C.L.E. (2015) - 7.34Cavill has had his name thrown around as a potential replacement as James Bond once Daniel Craig steps down. While that remains to be seen, he did get the chance to partake in the spy game with Guy Ritchie's The Man from U.N.C.L.E. Based on the series from the '60s, Cavill and Armie Hammer star as an American and a Russian agent who are forced to team up and stop a criminal organization from acquiring nuclear weapons. Though not a hit at the box office, the movie surprised many as a fun, stylish and clever throwback spy adventure.

To read the original lists, click in Rotten Tomatoes and IMDb.

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