ScreenRant: "10 Movie & TV Spies Better At Their Jobs Than James Bond"

James Bond may be the quintessential blockbuster espionage expert, but these TV & movie spies might just be able to put him out of work.

MAR 07, 2020

As the most famous spy in movies and television, James Bond is usually also called the best. However, when we really look at the breakdown of his missions, and the tactics he uses, we have to admit we’ve seen much better secret agents in entertainment. From the days of Get Smart and Mission: Impossible to Chuck and Burn Notice, espionage has been a TV staple. In movies, we’ve seen a lot of Bond ripoffs, with some of them actually being better than the original. As we prepare for the next 007 to start the franchise’s new chapter, these are 10 TV and movie spies better than James Bond.

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It takes a truly special character to be more interesting than James Bond in both a movie and TV series. As an American agent working with his Russian counterpart, The Man From U.N.C.L.E.’s Napoleon Solo has the suave, flirtatious personality of Bond, without his overpowering intensity. He uses his laid back attitude to lure his enemies into a false sense of security. He was played on TV by Robert Vaughn, and in the 2015 film by Henry Cavill. Though the two versions have different backgrounds, they share a Cary Grant style charm that makes Solo much more likable than 007.

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